Newborn baby is sleeping


Newborn Baby - How to Raise Your New Born Baby


Sleep time

"She/he a good sleeper" is probably one of the most often asked questions when you have a baby. Advice offered within this section...

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Childhood immunisation was implemented to reduce the spread of certain harmful disease among local communities. It has proven to be a very successful tool in keeping our kids healthy.

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Your baby's skin is so soft and smooth and just delightful to touch. However, this also means that the skin is very sensitive and prone to bouts of the occasional irritating skin problem and when baby is irritated, chances are, so are you. Huggies® can help you along by identifying and offering treatments for specific skin conditions as well as general baby skin health care tips and advice.

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Pee and poo

Pee and poo

All you need to know about baby peeing and baby stools.

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Baby bath

Taking care of your newborn baby can be a "challenging" experience and time. How warm should the bath water temperature be or how to coax your little one to a restful night of good sleep, find the answers to these questions here with our detailed information

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Bonding with your baby

It’s important as a parent that you bond with your baby. Its critical to understand the cues and take actions appropriately there on.

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Breast feeding

What do babies need to grow and develop into bouncing babies and healthy active toddlers? Looking after the nutritional needs of an infant until six months is fairly easy: feed them breast milk (ideally) or formula. But at around six months, a baby's nutritional needs exceed what he or she can get from milk feeds, which is why we begin complimentary feeding or solids. Breast milk or formula will still remain a considerable part of their nutritional requirements right through until at least 12 months.

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Food and nutrition

What do they need to grow and develop into bouncing babies and healthy active toddlers? Looking after the nutritional needs of an infant until six months is fairly easy: feed them breast milk (ideally) or formula. But at around six months, a baby's nutritional needs exceed what he or she can get from milk feeds, which is why we begin complimentary feeding or solids. Breast milk or formula will still remain a considerable part of their nutritional requirements right through until at least 12 months.

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Experts on baby care

Get to know what popular bloggers and parenting destinations are saying about taking care of your newborn. Have a specific question? Write to us on our facebook page and we will try getting an expert to answer your question.

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