Pregnancy the most beautiful feeling for a women


Best Pregnancy Exercises That make your Delivery Easy


First trimester pregnancy exercises.

Exercising during the first few months of pregnancy keeps your fitness and energy levels up, reduces risks of complication during pregnancy, boosts your mood and eases back and pelvic pain. In the first trimester, you can take part in most of...

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Second trimester pregnancy exercises.

In the second trimester, you need to monitor your body’s reaction to exercise, and accordingly increase the duration or intensity of your workouts. Ensure that you discontinue any activity that can throw you off-balance, like gymnastics,...

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Third trimester pregnancy exercises.

Welcome to the third trimester! Getting to the start of your third trimester really is the beginning of the countdown to when you will be having your baby, but keeping yourself active in this trimester will help you with labor and recovery after...

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